Poetiq1der | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 566

Why are children beaten and maimed?

Why are Black Men imprisoned when framed?

Why do the poor live each day with a sigh?

Why are we born, grow old, and just die?


Why do we backstab, betray a true Friend?

Why does the rain from heaven descend?

Many people are wealthy, then Why is there lack?

Why is everything evil equated with BLACK?


We say kids are our future/a glory divine

Then Why Conyers Georgia, and Why Columbine?


Between the young and the old, a generational gap

Why do we scorn and misunderstand Rap?

We have Love for The Lord, and frown on abortion

Why does Corporate America engage in extortion?


Once Prayers guided schools, but, now it seems it's too late

Why the separation between Churches and State?

Divided We Fall and United We Stand

Then Why does great Africa exist by a strand?


"The Land Of The Free"  in our lore it's been told

Yet, now there's few rainbows and even less pots of gold

All the signs are before us, still, our vision stays blurred

Why believe a False Prophet instead of God's Word?


The AntiChrist/Beast/and Babylon's Whore

Why Osama Bin Laden and Rumors Of War?


I'm groping in darkness for answers, with no concrete reply

So, I'll continue my sojourn...with the question of...Why?



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mrmelody7 says:

Lots of whys with few answers-great vision in this write, my why is why are we even hear, trust in God my only clue

prettygirl23 says:

This is a very deep poem. You touched on a lot of points on the minds of every day people. I enjoyed this poem fully. Keep writing!

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Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Such a brilliant capture of the pop quiz of whys.... Everyday second questions! Outstanding work

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Fonz52 says:

Love this..I have a piece just like this. Good scope on things!
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:


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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours....Thank you Coalhouse for the love....You are an awesome writer, and story teller..1 Love

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