The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 462000
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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 374

I wish I could say, this is a
journey that, I'll never forget
 that would be nonsense to 
mention, knowing that time
will change my place and erase 
the past like like the backspace key
that sweeps away the lines I've
written, like the wrinkles that I
will not try to hide behind, having
my skin  pulled back, stretching
a surprised grin across my face
through time there's space and
I'm still in the race, running like
hell in my mind, rapid thoughts
pressing toward the mark of
a higher calling, I'll get there
if I have to arrive crawling
fatigue and bloody knees
I see the door,I recognize
the knocks and I hear
 the keys turning in
the padlock 
chains falling
all around me
I am now free


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