prettygirl23 | Poetry Vibe
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Think about it, write it down, and then share it with the world. Poetry is a way of expressing yourself. Poetry is my way of allowing everyone the opportunity of hearing my voice. Let It Out!

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Can't find love



Views: 310

She loves him I think just a little too much. Now she begins to wonder was it really love, or was it just lust? She was so eager to fall in love so quick to say "I trust you". She said these words, but were they true?

Do you think she really knows what love is? Is it more than just a passionate kiss? She will wait for that one person to show her and help her understand what it means. Maybe true love was never meant to be. 

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The Immortal Wize says:

This flows, right to the heart of the matter. Very nice!

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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