Throughout those years of Bars and Fences, several things kept me from falling
My Faith in God, My Mom, My Writing...and, that Freedom Was Always Calling
The nightmare started in 93, shipped off to do a second bid...
I knew my mom was hurting deeply from all of the pain her silence hid
DownState was another dagger, the lonely days, the nights, the "Draft"
In times of peace the seagulls shrieking,..and, I could have sworn at me they laughed
Then came Green Haven/the pain continued; those forty months in just a cell
Abundant vermin, to live determined....Where most Co's were scarred as well
College courses would keep me focused, mixing with others who sought degrees
To be well rounded my reading varied from Og Mandino to Sophocles
All was good, then times grew darker, by 95 my heatlh had waned
Some forsook me, and others wondered how my trust in God remained
On bended knees I prayed this daily..."Not my will be done, but Thine"
Then, I was showed one set of "Footprints"" which I knew could not be mine
Deliverance came, yes, things got better; I thought my sorrows were finally gone
Until, I left to live in Fishkill, which in truth was Matteawan
Intellectually I was their equal, they had no choice, but to grin and bear it
For, I knew their books, their words, their History...and, many things deemed esoteric
Bogus tickets, the Box, Harassment, they thought I'd fold from all the stress
Still, what would I be if I didn't suffer?....a spineless man who acquiesced
People have asked me how I survived it, a prison life sometimes apalling
I inhaled deeply, and finally told them....that Freedom Was Always Callling