Tru Sista | Poetry Vibe
Tru Sista
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11300
contest winner
A Poetic Storm

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If I opened my legs every time you wanted

Would I be the Queen of your dreams?

If I cried every time, you wronged me

Would I be the you desire for?


If I gave you my hard earned dollars

Will I be the low self-esteemed female you yearn for?

If I fought you every time you assumed I cheated

Would I be the Whore you so loved?


If I was jobless, laid on your couch and chilled all day

Would I be that ride or die to hold you down lady?

If I let my family disrespect you, without saying a word to them

Would I be that loyal female you like?


If at no point in our relationship, I ask to marry you

Would I be that main lady?

If I shower you with useless lies

Would I be that woman that you keep searching for?


Seems like to me if I did the things that men do to females

I’d be that Queen that every male would want to be with

Do you see your woman, treating a man this way?

Ask yourself did you find yourself in this poem?


Disclaimer:Many females fall these type of men daily



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