sandyperry | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 250
You entered my life
At a time I felt most alive
The opposite of my worldly surroundings
I tethered our connection
To the death of summer leaves
There was beauty in our fall
Optimism to start our season
I fell for you for this very reason
If memory serves me correct
You remained stained by summers glow
So astonished by your hue
I painted my world with you
You breathe new life
Into everything I saw
Brush strokes so broad 
I found my love cornered
Even then I still admired you
So with this weather change
I remember your name
I’ll embrace passionate reds
That defiantly cling to dying trees
I welcome the cold lonely breeze
That always seems to want my company
I’ll watch our sunset
Then brace myself for your darkness
And I’ll still desire you
I’ll always admire you

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...A nicely written poem. Your imagery was vibrant! 1 Love/Peace

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