sandyperry | Poetry Vibe
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Exquisite Nudes



Views: 258

There’s magic in the earth tones
Which stain her skin
Mysteries in her dark spaces 
She is art, as if God painted 
A portrait of my ideal woman
What he creates is her
It’s the way every inch of her body
Is uniquely hers
From the arch of her back 
To the ridges in her belly 
Her vessel has a whole 
An invitation for love 
There’s a softness to her
Magnified when the suns rays 
Caress her skin
In that moment in light
I wish I could do the same 
The life lines above her thighs
Tell a story I’m eager to read
Chapters I yearn to explore 
A lick of my thumb
I’ll turn her page
Being careful not to skip
A single word of her journey 
She aims to please 
She’s written fantasies between her knees 
Only an open mind can set free
Open, exposed in her element 
Her mystery still reigns supreme
She’s exquisite when bare
The lust in my eyes
Appreciates her for it

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Mkd says:

Very nice. You drew a very vivid image.

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