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Todays Reality



Views: 561

Itching to condemn citizens of all of their freedom
While the rich are supplied with oil & wine
The poor get poorer with everyday necessities forcing them to commit daily crime
Just so they could survive the many days of lost time.

Some ask if they’re out of their damn mind
But if you’ve never been in that position you can’t understand this rhyme.
Because the time has arisen that those who were fishing for excuses eventually loses
And although there are not many leaders, the masses confuses the truth with their lies
Always on the road to perdition, full of sedition, what a horrible mind state & condition.

Totalitarian world community seeking immunity
From being a part of ‘the lost’, cause they’re small and puny see!
Being misdirected and infected by the elite directives.
Can only instigate and infuriate and cause debate
Of the burden & weight of all of humanities hate.

Some end up becoming dramatic fanatics seeking for emotional acrobatics.
And the phlegmatic is the very schematic and edge needed to destroy the wedge.

Some have become emotionally despicable needing a spiritual miracle.
Although some of my words are truly intrinsic
I continue to be studied like forensic yet still in the realm of inexplicably
As those trying to understand the vexed spirit in me.

It’s understood that who I am sometimes is beyond the majorities’ comprehension
Understanding the grammatical of the divine sabbatical tension.
Pressing on my joints to release all of the tension of my spirits detention.

Been forced to supercede my 16 month long circumstantial situations
That have tried to overwhelm me with anger & agitation.
But the divine that dwells within wont allow me to quit.
That’s why I continue writing my pain and getting prepared to spit
Spewing forth the very angst and depression that has befallen my soul.
Wrestling with the long list of truths that I’ve grown to know.

I’m still preparing for the eventual reaping of all the seeds that I’ve sowed.
Because the truth that what you give is what you get is how my spirit was towed.
Many years ago when only anger dwelt in the many chambers of my heart.
It was difficult to differentiate between love and hate, you could hardly tell them apart.

But I’ve learned as I‘ve observed and grown from the mistakes of others actions.
Growing from the past infidelities that caused societal contractions.
Learned more mathematics in life by studying the many causes of human fractions.
But have learned that most of this life is just a blur of purposefully created distractions.

And although created to be something that I have yet to discover.
I will do what I know is right and the truth will then be uncovered.
Not smother the masses with the validity of who I am meant to be.
But reveal truths that are slandered and have fallen into intellectual slavery.

I believe we need a revival of the true meaning of survival
We need to instigate a revolution cause we know who is our true rival.
And as we study the holy text of ancient days as militants take up their rifle.
We need to stand by TRUTHS God speaks of in His holy word The Bible.

We must acknowledge that was is currently occurring across this country of ours and all around the globe
Are historical facts that to us were already foretold?
Prophesied by the prophets of old as many lies have been told.
We must continue to seek truth and denounce fallacy as the end of the world slowly unfolds.

We’ve recently seen that consumer confidence has recently dropped.
And that’s because the country we love and hold dear is about to be shocked.
Shocked into no longer being the leader of the world economy.
And the world will be split into a pure dichotomy.

Either a goat or a sheep and knowing who’s in your fold.
And the two herds will do exactly as they’ve been told.
They both know the voice of their master and will follow the voice.
While one makes a decision and the other has no real choice.

Because they’re stuck in the world of their perversions and all of their lies.
All they know is how to pervert truth & justice and have incoherent secret ties.
Secret ties that bind and blind and have made many mentally negatively confined.
So many became followers by following followers of the deaf & the blind.

But we have ears that hear and eyes that see with such clarity.
And we know the eventual loss of hope for the most of humanity.
As the world unifies to try solve its problems of economic extent.
The chosen’’ will look up for they know their savior’s about to begin his earthly descent.

And for those who are saved will get their reward that has for long been spoken of.
As the savior looks upon them all with pure ecstatic divine emotional love.
Bestowing blessings & blessings to those who held on til the end
He will then be the savior of humanity and the chosen elects best friend.


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