Poetiq1der | Poetry Vibe
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"The Monster That Dwells Amongst Us"...



Views: 515

   I have walked the earth's circumference since centuries past...Invented from the imagination of a young girl - "A Novel" scientist gave ne life. An amalgam of parts sutured together to make a hideous whole...Did He/Did they really believe that my scars could be hidden away from the world? Nonetheless, hidden I became/not because I was locked away in a laboratory...But, because I could never reveal myself to those that would not accept me...


So, I began to kill, with the brain of the murderer/criminal I was grafted from. Still, I can speak, think and articulate just as well as any creature that was created by God...


I won't be given a chance though/because "Brainwash  Education" - Rockefeller Laws and Racial Profiling forever relegate me to the shadowlands of every Inner - City...


I can savor the sweet smell of a flower

I  am one with the traquility if a lake

I can see the innocent beauty of a child


Yet, every time I show the goodness that is within me to Humanity - I am rejected

...and chased inexorably with torches...

through the slums and ghettos of a maker who only mentions my name in whispers...

...The Creator that made me is Society...

The Monster I became?...


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