first love
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OTHER POEMS WRITTEN BY thatygpoetickidd
Rice cakesA portion of me still loves her til this day for reasons unknown I'd go crazy behind her but I won't look back or cause any interference that's not like me at all I actually still got her name tatted on me right arm you woulda thought that I got that covered up ages ago but I just never got around to it I'd do anything to have a sit down with her not to rekindle anything but to just swap updates on each others lives but I can't force a hand that doesn't want to be dealt besides that I think that would be kinda selfish to just intrude in someone's life just because you miss them lines get blurry & I get iffy when it comes to those things so silence it is
Feed me
Keep giving what you gave to me like so Long ago you were more vibrant than a Orchid softer than the tips of a rose puddle Bacc when my chin sat in your hand like a chalice Forever marbleizing & engraving the image Of me in your head while holding me in Your hands next to your heart cherishing each sip At the same time not letting me get to your head until you...well you could fill in the blanks while I feel in yours pour it all down your throat guzzle it down until it takes over you not letting it corrupt you yes Continue to give me what you gave me so long ago until I overload than fix the damage on the circuit breaker whatever You choose to do just don't cut me off from what you gave me so long ago keep siping from me continue feel your self up with me than give me what I gave you |
I love youThe years that i have known you has been so beautiful the fact that your able to put a smile on my face and making me laugh is a feeling i dont ever want to go away I'd like to keep you by myside for as long as you want i want this feeling to be there forever i want a future with you i want to do and accomplish things with you that i wouldnt want to do with no one else for the simple fact that your here and your willing to go through so much with me i want to be the reason why you dont have to worry i want to be the one to give you bacc rubs and massages while i kiss on you if there is anything you need or ever wanna talk about i want to be the first person that you want to consult with there will be things in the future that we will most likely argue and fuss about but that comes with being loved by the person you want and need most i have a strong feeling that...that person is me without a doubt your beautiful in every since of the word its not the way you look thats always attrac... |
i miss you lashelleIs it?... is it okay if I talk to you on some real ? When ever I see a picture of you my heart races we haven't seen each other in three years. I wonder if you even think about me? truth is I try not to think about you it's unhealthy really. a part of me in my heart misses you dearly. the dreams I had about you faded away & the thoughts about you seem further and futher away I don't want to forget about you nor do I want to forget about us an what we had but its hard not to forget when you don't keep in contact with me the sparks are still there I believe it could just be a one sided feeling there is no doubt in my mind that if we saw each other the love would still be there as if it never left to begin with in all honsty since I'm being honest I just wanna cry right now you didn't have to leave I didn't have to leave I was the one coming to your house at 10 o clocc at night to checc on you and tell you I love you it's's just unfair all the time we invested into our... |
beautiful conversationcan we have a beautiful conversation where we just talk about the things we want in our life or how about the things we need I bleed for truth and honesty better yet I long for it as if it's been missing like a run away child so again I ask can we have a beautiful conversation or maybe we can just have a normal conversation where talk about or success an disappointments in life |