Mellow | Poetry Vibe
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ode to comfort



Views: 299
That day oh that wondrous day. The day i knew I was uncomfortable with who I was, oh that day was the day I was the most comfortable with who I am. Comfort was lost as I flee to escape the truth. And was found back when I returned. It never did leave me, it also didn't chase me, it knew I was the one who would do the chasing, knew I would return. It believed in me. Believed in not only who I could be but who I was, was capable of something beyond imagination. It wanted to give me the freedom I sought and needed for my soul. It knew though, it knew that the idea of being free is more beautiful than actually being free. Reaching the plan is the end. planning, working, and thinking of how would be like is more satisfying. For someone as hopeless as me who has one drip of dream, if I eventually pour it I wouldve never known what to do with or what to fill the rest of the glass. So knew that when I reach that beautifully thought of dream I would come back and look for another drip and I will be one drip wiser than I was before. So I can make different mistakes but never the same ones. It didn't want me to stop at a drip it wanted me to go for full glass. It didn't want me to rush as of result gave me only a single drive so I won't get confused on which one to tackle cause then not only would I have an empty dry glass but I wouldn't have ever returned cause I wouldn't know how to reach for more or satisfied with I have so far. So it knew I would come back for another shot of drip. Come back home. It was faith that made it believe in me. Its the matter of timing and a matter of patience. Because hope is maybe, but is eventually.

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Cjsmom says:

The idea of most things are better than the actuality of that thing. Very beautifully written piece.
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2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Work...thanks for sharing!

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