Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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Living Unfair


long distance

Views: 271
You say my love keeps you floating, my touches keeps you frozen. Every bit of your heart beats, beat for me, your love you don't share who said living foul is a token closer to god.?! Living Unfair seems to be a habit you can't break, Playing with my heart like i don't feel pain, never though I will say i hate you. Trying keep from crying and not giving up, on this thing we call love. But you keep showing me your not worth the sweat and the time. Living unfair is not right crushing my heart is pure evil. Just leave and forget we every had something.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Write It Out....thanks for sharing (very well could be helping someone else get thru or get over)....ONE

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