Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 314

Today I’m feeling powerful - slightly
To say it politely
I felt horrible last night(ly)
The devil sort of twisted my thoughts
And he did kind of fright(en)me
But today is a new day
With a few words to say
I woke up ready to work hard
But willing to do some harder play!

Now allow me a moment to articulate and say
A better me - is offered here this very day
Some would agree with me while others will say nay!
Oh well what the hay?!
I’m here yet again to do some verbalisitc word power play

No longer feeling so wickedly convicted or twisted
But a bit rapid and a bit insipid
Like the US Intrepid
Stop going crazy and livid

As of this very second
Last night I learned a new lesson
My presence alone is considered a blessing
Not out of being more special
But due to the information I have at hand
I dug myself out of the sand
With my hands deep under with my corpse
Now I am out of the deep shore
My strengthened core
Is about to abort
No longer lyrically take up and snort
Because the new refined and refreshed me will reveal the relativity
Of all my various personalities and their connectivity
How they were all helping in building me
The very person(s) you see in me
The ones I show here in PV, lyrically

No longer feeling emotionally drained or confined
But given ample evening time
To rewind and refine
Took some moments to recline
Thought back of the hours from the day past
And awakened to recognize the crazy thoughts of my mind

So here I reveal another circular
Not really perpendicular type version
Out of obscuring ascertain
I am willing, able and ready to self maintain
Wild antics of rhythm I’m about to use to entertain
Negativity I will be more sure, to and from abstain & refrain
I am more sustainable
A bit flammable but still manageable
Kind of like a lyrical cannibal
Eating up my own kind with lyrics
Gifted last night ‘cause my spirit was uplifted
Immediately after it was given power by the Holy Spirit

So hear
Come near it
And I promise to cherish all viewers and readers
I am no longer gonna be a whiner or bleeder
I have conceded that I am forced to have nearly been defeated
But I am a warrior at heart and will not be forced to have retreated

I was just blessed to have a botanical garden in my mind
Every flower of every kind – two of each kind
Some have the aroma of blessings and kindness
Others have the smell of blindness
I stay away far from those
Those are the ones that screw up my flows
And I work too hard, How God knows!

I was told to drop this
Like a hot myth that’s too monotonous
You can try to PhotoShop and crop this
But He told me through me He will drop bliss

Highly grammatical
Theoretically cinematical
Came out of my deep saddened sabbatical
Now I’m a fanatic spiritual radical
Methodic touches
As the spirit flows and rushes
Many mouths HIS power IT hushes
Like Cain I am now sealed
But not one of enmity
I’m a colonel in an infantry
Fighting off the enemy
He came to get me but I quickly beg thee
I shall overcome him severely
Because as I finish this rhyme just on time
I pray that God not only hears me
But draws near and embraces me and utilizes my skill clearly
So the world can see and hear me
So when they see me they could obviously without a doubt see thee
So I thank you for listening
This lamps oil is glistening
So I will labor for God while I’m whistling!


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