Mr.Best365 | Poetry Vibe
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Words Of A Soldier


just different

Views: 245

It was the realist he ever wrote,
From the realist I'll ever quote...

Now I can see this world for what it is as I get older,
And G why Pac said we should me militant soldiers...
But these youngsters only see the revolution of being a thug,
Shouting "*** The Police" as they shed our blood...
Time after time we see our youth outlined in chalk,
This is not the dream that Dr. King thought...
Injustices to my people since we were stolen to be slaves on this land,
Hatred is the only thing we have in common from all walks of man...
Black people is only accepted in this country for entertainment,
But was never to be accepted to be part of this nation...
A Black President is a historical event,
But what's the truth to their attempt..?
"From The Words Of Pac"
It was the realist he ever wrote,
From the realist I'll ever quote...

Who the *** will take a stand for my Black People,
That era died for us to be ever equal...
We're looked upon as criminal intent,
If you don't believe me look at the history of all the events...
They took a rose that grew out of concrete,
Saw it as a threat and now I'm in eternal sleep...
Our voices are feared because we speak the truth,
We always been feared from the hate, that hate produced...
The most feared of our kind is an educated Black Man,
That has the power of his people by his influences and the grace of command...
But who do we have that my people trust,
That speak with conviction for us to adjust..?
"From The Words Of Pac"
It was the realist he ever wrote,
From the realist I'll ever quote...

To understand these issues you have to live in the ghetto,
Options are at a minimum for any soul to grow...
You are statistically a failure to be in these conditions,
Which was built as a "Project" for lower income living...
The funny thing is that drugs & guns are flooded through our streets,
A main source to our choices to help us eat...
How do you turn down hundreds of dollars in a matter of hours,
Thats the structure in the hood is that gives that power...
The choices that we're left with are full of limitations,
Born to fail in this society and statistics in this nation...
Because divided we stand and united we fall,
That's the aim and these racists call...
"From The Words Of Pac"
It was the realist he ever wrote,
From the realist I'll ever quote...

Dear Black Queen that love is not lost by us,
That respect still lives in us to build our family is a must...
But your image has been tarnished by money & greed,
Giving birth to temptation as it planted it seeds...
The glorification of a is marketed to our little girls,
Promoting that their p***y is the key to get what they want in this world...
That sex sells and that their bodies are in demand,
And that's what it takes for you to get a man...
But I'm here to tell you that is not the case,
That you should respect yourself as a Queen and reclaim your rightful place...
Many tears are shed for our positive sisters,
Awaiting are "True Kings" that are ready be with ya'...
Build a relationship and start a family,
Let's plant our roots and build our family tree...
"From The Words Of Pac"
It was the realist he ever wrote,
From the realist I'll ever quote...




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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...A Fabulous, and passionate piece of Art....Respect

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