Corey | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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I Hate you...



Views: 510


try to

hate you so

the memory of you won’t

haunt me




your touch like

daggers on nerve endings


not to miss it so much



your scent…

a stink of a highly threatened

skunk to keep you from my vicinity



my eyes

I create your image



not to gaze when I see you




be long before

all signs of you are muted

and even then…


I'll. still. miss. you.

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Hmm, very deep and also very humorous.... "Your scent...the stink of a highly threatened skunk to keep you away from my vicinity". This line is priceless...

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Cjsmom says:

I know the feeling too well...How can you love someone so much and hate them at the same time? Doing whatever you can to not think of them, with no avail. I loved this poem. It was a refreshing way to tell a sad tale. Kudos!

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Corey says:

Hi Poetiq1der, I've never thought of that line as funny before your mention. You made me think of the cartoon character Pepe` Let Pew. :) Thanks for the read and response!
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Corey says:

Hello Cjs, sometimes we need to do whatever we can to get (un)addicted from someone. Glad you enjoyed the poem. Thanks and come again!

Just_Me_Kelee says:

Captivating... and all to familiar. I enjoyed the pen.

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DallasCowgirl says:


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Corey says:

Just me Klee and Underhiswings7, Sometimes we gotta go all extra to kick the bad 'him' habit when he's no longer good for us. :) Thanks ladies for your support, peace.

Woven says:

Sometimes we tend to cling to the good, you're right, we need to force ourselves to see the whole truth for our own good. Great write, I overstand this.
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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Nice flow!

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