Rzoned | Poetry Vibe
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The walls are closing in, surrounded by persuasive sins

You find yourself trapped in a dangerous predicament

But what if I told you I could save you from all the sins

To help you understand the consequences for those actions

Rethink about agreeing to doing what their asking

The last thing you want is to commit their bad deeds

But listen, at the end of the day it's your choice to make

However, it's best to receive all the help you can take

Because it's hard to find real friends willing to wait just in case you do make that terrible mistake

Despite the hardships and pointless debates

Cherish them for they can never be replaced

For your sake, I hope choose the right path to take

Now that your eyes are open and you're awake

Use that knowledge to locate the next step to take

The decision is yours to make, but make no mistake..

When the ground starts to quake, I won't be the one they forsake

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours. A very nice heartfelt message to anyone willing to hear.

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Rzoned says:

I appreciate this more than you know.

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Cjsmom says:

I heard you loud and clear! Realness at its best. Great work. We all want the best out of the worst.

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