I often ponder on current issues, to make some sense, no sense to try
Battered Children, Assault and Anarchy...These Are The Visions That Make Me Cry
Some "People" write for jewels and money, this poet writes to spread the truth
Who sees all nations consumed by violence, and evil things done to our youth
Sick pervert stalking/a camera caught it/it's just so hard to understand
No forced was used, he didn't hit her; they left the station hand in hand
East Indian city - there's people starving - a Mother's Fruits are nearly dead
Drastic measures to keep them breathing - She sold her kidney to buy some bread
The Philippines, no one to help them/A former President the biggest sinner
They weep to God because they're hungry...A Landfill's Trash Most Nights Is Dinner
A Bathtub drowning, Grandma's a dealer - sad torture room in Bedford Stuy
Tied to the "Chair", molested, murdered...These Are The Visions That Make Me Cry
The ACS safe place for children?/to wish for this a foolish bet
Lisa Steinberg, countless others, how soon it seems we all forget
Helpless woman, demented writer, a heinous crime/she had no escape
On halloween, the lowest coward/A Bravest's costume used for rape
Sweet young girl/a trip/Aruba, then one night she disappears
Never found, no chance for closure - You can't imagine her family's tears
These desperate times are overwhelming, Global Heartbeat daily fades
There's few sunrises in most of Africa/How many more must die from AIDS?
05's Tsunami - Katrina's Carnage/The Mine Explosion, I wonder why?
A sudden shootout, Naisha's Eulogy...These Are The Visions That Make Me Cry