Rzoned | Poetry Vibe
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I pray



Views: 233

I pray that one day we'll see the light rays

Showing us the right way to go about things

That one day we'll see the right ways to stop claims

We joke about the whole thing not noticing what's lurking

In the dark alleyways, they are getting thirsty

Trying to disrupt the peace is their first gain

Next is the fame and the respect from the tamed

It's the same damn thing we see everyday

Try to maintain the epidemic it may bring and see what others may choose to not say

Because nowadays I crave to save the people that lay in dismay and yearn for a change to live a better way

Because I know that type of pain with no one to blame

It's a shame that their time came, but who am I to say what awaits the next day

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Cjsmom says:

What a masterpiece. Your articulation is superb and brings about all the emotions of the subject in the piece. Nice work.

Rzoned says:

Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback !

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Heartfelt and alive with passion...Respect

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