Cjsmom | Poetry Vibe
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It feels good to be motivated again!

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Black Coffee



Views: 511

You will hear her,
before she reveals herself to you.
Her exotic aroma, spicy,
with a subtle sweetness,
will make your mouth water.
When she is ready,
you will bask in the glory
of her presence.
Her well-balanced,
nutty brown complexion,
gently kissed with earthy ember undertones
will make you moan with anticipation.
As you test her waters
with your tongue,
her strong, yet delicate taste,
so rich and full of flavor,
will make you indulge
until you have satisfied your thirst.
Her lingering, 
creamy after taste will be
an imprint in your mind
until you meet again,
for she is beauty.
She is a beast.
She is...
Black Coffee


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Corey says:

I love this for mainly three reasons. 1, it's so cleverly done. 2, I can relate to the actual alluring of almond nut coffee, I love the way it small and taste... in that respect. :) 3, I love poetic metaphors! This here piece is awesomely smooth!!

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mrmelody7 says:

I like dunkin doughnut black coffee but you have created a real nice black brew with this
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant....yes indeed....thanks for sharing!! ONE

LP45 says:

Nice work.

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