Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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Been That Way



Views: 283
I wanna know how we came so distance, we fell in love almost instance, we went are own way so quick you change. Why you blame me for your mistakes, when your the reason why I stray. Still looking back into the well known, it always been that way, how I feel is still strong for you, but I gotta maintain my feelings for you. Because I never move on from you, I always thought about you a long those cold walks. Still trying to keep from crying, I want use back but do you feel the same? cause your heart telling me to stay. But it always been that way, how I feel is still strong for you, but I gotta maintain my feelings for you. Something in my heart signaling your heart, back to where we first started in my life as a number prioritie. But are you here all this way, not just half the way.? So show me this love is worth every bit of your presence.

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