Mr.Best365 | Poetry Vibe
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A Change Has Come


Views: 374

Dr. King I am here to tell you that you did not die in vein
When you made your speech in DC that freedom will reign…
Like the thousands of grandparents that marched for civil rights
Millions of their children voted for this historical night…
A generation hoping and believing for a change and making their choice
As the votes were tallied, America heard its voice…
From your speech a child was present to live his greatest expectation
Let me introduce to you Barack Obama our 1st Black President of this US Nation…
We can is now we did it and the challenge of change is amongst us
We restored hope of achievements to our youngsters…
They do not have to look up to entertainers and rappers
They can now have bigger goals to go after…
It is now possible to be a president, the highest goal to achieve
And it can now happen because we just believed…
“Congratulations and Thank You Barack Obama…”



Poem: “A Change Has Come…”
Created On: November 05, 2008
Created By:  Rebelwisdom1071 aka Mr.Best365
©  Best Brand 1BC



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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Very beautifully articulated.....Respect

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