Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 225

The bottom is set by stone from law and government,

The main reason why failure continues to hover me,

A large account of bodies being strobed,

Promises from the master and his globe,

Unique tidings that surface the land,

Dark freedoms that never come back again,

Per minute the revolutions turn back the clock,

Becoming right in the significance of shock,

Step by step the kingsmen stock up,

Shadowing the royalty by dressing the monk,

Followers of the disciples who reported the earth,

Taking the belief of the money’s worth,

Deep down in rehearsal of the Made Man,

Sound check reversal of the confiding clans,

No speech is to eloquent to understand the counsel,

A bridge of independents that reach the master,

In light of what he does that keeps color clinched,

The slave knows to hold what all is dispensed,

A free slave is one apart from the plantation,

Understanding the midwife and her plans of reservation,

A honeymoon addressing the master reasons,

Changing the door from the least of the season,

Devil stating the boundaries by commons of the flesh,

Entering the system with boys of yet,

Miseducating the entrapment of black and white,

Silencing the menace from his natural flight,

Started at the bottom now we are here,

An attitude greater than the fear,

The tricks revolved have no chance,

Surrendering the will to menace the dance,

Along the rails life becomes a hole,

Pulling the flesh from its cryptic bones.

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Very profound... "Step by step the kingsmen stock up, shadowing the royalty by dressing the monk" Awesome line!

love_supreme says:

"Promises from the master and his globe" - this poem has so many dynamics that I just don't know how to describe it. Excellent write.

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