skb74# | Poetry Vibe
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Self-Inflicted Genocide



Views: 498

Systematic annihilation of an unwanted race

sentenced to 30 long years on your very first case

Black women and Uncle Sam have become the perfect pair

elevated police shootings considered just and fair

SAT scores barely a 603

So Harvard or Yale won't let you attend for free

Dreadlocks, gold teeth and tats so no front desk job

without money for rent or gas in the hood we rob

Girls selling sex on the pole, stroll or Facebook web page

Education, employment and equality no longer center stage

Malcolm and Martin lie restless in their graves

we act worse now than when we were slaves

20th century blacks were victims of racist homicide

now we seem to suffer from self-inflicted genocide


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skb74# says:

Sad...but true. Great Expression

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