OniLuv | Poetry Vibe
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It aka Cancer



Views: 352


It, took my good friend, my lover, my male me. It, tried to stop our song before it ended, our dance before we got tired, our lives before it was over. It took a few years before it did.

RIP 1981

It, took my sister, a dancer, a vegetarian. It ran riot through her blood. was it inherited? It took her out in a month, too late to find out.

RIP 2009

It, took my mother. It hit her in the stomach. She never knew she was feeding it chemicals from "unhealthy choice" frozen dinners.  It, overpowered steamed collards, kale, all her vitamins, love and hope.

RIP 2011

It took my friend. It grabbed her breast like an angry lover. Lymphedema hardened half her body. Once beautiful, brown and smooth. She looked like elephant man in the end. It won.

RIP 2012

I loved them, prayed with them, cared for them, laid next to them, made them laugh, read books to them, played healing zen music, cooked for them, juiced for them, fed them, rubbed feet, massaged them, walked to the bathroom with them, wiped them clean, kissed them, hugged them. 

NEVER did I cry in front of them.

(C) Oni Lasana - June 17, 2013

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Corey says:

It, Cancer has stolen the lives of many...including my grandfather in 96 and father in 2014. I have a dear sister-friend fighting what seems to be a winning battle as I type.(thank God) Its great that you were able to remain strong and help them through a difficult ordeal. I hope you also have someone who was/is strong for you, because being a caregiver to a loved one can be very emotional. Thanks for sharing this heartfelt write.

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jwins says:

Sis! I can truly relate to your pain "IT" took my Pop in 2007."The Death That Slaughtered Many". And last year... "IT hit his baby brother. We're still grieving till this day. Unfortunately, most of it stems from anger.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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