Corey | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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intellectual copulation



Views: 651


we copulated- potent 

was his penetration 

to my cranium


...the secretion of 

his wisdom impregnated 

my 3rd eye to visions of 

possibilities my two eyes were 

too impaired to visualize.


...his fortified 

verbiage gave life 

to multiple offsprings of 

knowledge, by any means necessary 

his mental missionary position evoked 

me to cum to grips with the significance 

of our history


...he infected 

me with his S.T.D

(straight truth disease)

elevating me from my knees

he said "*** doggy style"

then put it on me monumentally 

"literary style" 


...we 69'd

'til I screamed how 

fundamental it is to 

be ***ed into reality.

upon our climax he whispered,


(positive minds succeed)




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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

nice-tee. luv the literary gymmnastics

Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Wow, sexy and cerebral!....An intoxicating combination.....Fabulous in all regards! Respect

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Greetings, this was inspired by stimulating conversations with a powerful poet friend. Thank you gentlemen for your visit into my expression, I appreciate time!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

DOPE.....well, well, crafted...matter of fact, STANDING OHHHH-VATION, if I smoked cigarettes, I would need one after this Masterpiece!! (smiling)

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Hi 2b, Its a pleasure to read your response. Thanks for you time, a smile and the kind words. Also for always showing up to encourage other poets.

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LP45 says:

Great word play Corey. Knowledge is soooo powerful. Profound penning. Thanks for sharing.

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