igotastory | Poetry Vibe
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I would Like to thank EVERYONE for all the love and comments that you all took time out to write. I really appreciate it all and I will return soon just need to take a break from the world and get in my own zone.. Only the real will understand what I mean. I love me some love and to return the same. Thank you all so much!!!!

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Use 2 Be


just different

Views: 364

You should hurt everytime you hear my name. You should hurt everytime you try to play another game. I played my cards, and did my part I did everything to own your heart. Just trying to be pretty, stepping on the scale dieting trying to be skinny. Doing everything and you didnt give me any. Doing anything you ask me to, losing myself cause I was doing things I usually don't do.

But my momma always told me to never let a non man know your weakness because he will take it and mistreat it. I just didnt expect it to come from you but like they said the hottest love has the coldest end. And I dont know what it is and where it will lead,  just promice me you'll always remember how things really use to be. 

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Capture....thanks for sharing....ONE

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Te'ArraPoetry says:


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