beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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Love-The Lack of


Views: 434

Love-The Lack of

What does Agape love mean? according to biblical text it represents any kind of selfless love whether, between human beings or between humans, and God. and if you say you love God, then you must have unconditional love for your fellow man.

But, the question I ask is where is the love, when men, women, and children are dying

From gun violence and senseless crimes,  and the families of victims are crying.,

Where is the love for the ones that no longer can work, and for many years that have been

Productive in in helping America become great.  Paying the cost for many years to a system that

Now seems to shun them, and have little compassion for their care.  The parents and grandparents

that can no longer sustain the harsh demands that their bodies and minds once proclaim.

Feeling abandoned, and denied benefits from their participation that was put into the pool of wealth

that help bring our society to it’s  full potential.

Caught up in a lottery system that only a few can obtain their portion of their benefits from their

work , and loyalty as the same.  The implausible excuses that are given, and makes no sense to the

masses  of the ones  caught up in a condition that their mortality is in vain.

Many veterans are treated with just disgrace, too many come back from war not even knowing

who they are,  or walking aimlessly  with the scars of physical and mental conditions that they feel

separate them from the human race.   Politicians playing politics like games in a sporting event.

Trying to gets the best of their opponent with put downs and appeals, and the people are wondering

when will the real person be revealed.  Leaving us in confusion, and helpless in the strife of life

and hoping and praying our children will suffice. What happened to the love for the people,  community,

and country?   That  in the Constitution that states” We the People”, representing all and not just a few.

So I ask? “Where is the" agape Love”; that the bible speaks of? I only see a lack of it in the world today. But I do have hope for a better tomorrow. May we love God, May we love others, May we love as Jesus loves.

Be Blessed/ Beafaithful

updated on June 22,2020































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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...A fabulously crafted piece of Art....Respect...
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beafaithful says:

Thanks for the comments,
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beafaithful says:

Sorry If I deleted a comment by accident, I appreciate all comments to the highest. thanks

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Corey says:

I definitely feel you on this piece. Love is the main ingredient to cure what ails our world. A heartfelt piece. Thanks for sharing!

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