beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Writing poetry is healing for the brain

Sometimes when I write I try to refrain

Not to criticize nor try to analyze

the thoughts of others in their deep expression

but only try to give life lessons

That I am called to do

By the master poet who resides up above

This message is for those

Who think they are above reproach

Integrity is the key

It's what most people want to see

So, in our venture to write our words,and sing our songs

For others to celebrate our creative tones

My inspiriational thought for today

Is for us to always display


Yes we can sound, but don't undermine


Use it in all you do, not  just in poetry

But to be effectual in all you pursue

Without it,  It's like how the birds

use small branches

Only to build their nest

With no lasting purpose

And when its no longer needed

It's discarded with their other mess

An elaborate channel for the flow of creativity

that only will see true perception using


Diffuse your poetic rights

But I will say ," ony in a diplomatic  fight"

Other wise it is only a disillusional  site

Stay connected to your gift

And always use your intellectual sense

Be Blessed





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