Anj.mahira | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 299

Baby.. You could shine so bright. But honey you're like a match in the heavy just won't light..... You may attempt several times, over and over again with all your might.. But its equivalent to a baby in a brawl with a lion... simply put, an unfair fight. 

Im saying all this to say you Are Beautiful, You could be the illumination in ones life.... But you're too busy in the wind, twirling amist the brewing storm. The wind is a metaphor for those who surrond you, your so called called friends. They Keep you from sparking a matching they see you have with in.. they see your potential, see you giving it all, and laugh, Baby... you dont know the Half.. You can Be so much more.. just readjust you enivornment..  Your Sun like Blaze IS profoundly Heaven sent.

Neighbor your self with those who force you to spark, who push you to go harder, a positive friction.. that evolves in the sparks which establishes a flicker.. flicker into the fire that has been in you from the beginning. Hold the torch and let others follows, stay out of the wind, Because remember a fire can be put out, Enclose your self with protection, friction, and intuition. Dont Ever let you flame dwindle or diminish. Use the pain to remember how hard it was to light in the wrong location. You can forever be Illumation.. The perfect Light.

Baby... You shine so bright

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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Corey says:

Yep, sometimes its those right next to you, who you think are assets, but they are truly throwing shade against your light. Nicely done!

Anj.mahira says:

Thank You Guys so much means Alot!

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