rpadilla89 | Poetry Vibe
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Let it go



Views: 235

There comes a time when you must admit defeat,

When there's nothing left, and you must take a seat.

Think over the events that lead you here,

and face what it is you truly fear.

You've given it your all, put up a good fight.

Followed every order with all your might.

To please that someone you've wronged before.

To make up for the pain that still remains for sure.

They held your heart in their hands, knowing they had the power.

To get back at you for making them hurt, for being a coward.

We make mistakes, this much is true.

But we both played our parts, so what do we do?

I wasn't ready for you then, you're not ready for me now.

You still hold the scars of your past, hung heavy like a cowl.

How can you live if you won't get over your past?

How do you expect a great show while keeping the same cast?

I gave my all to retain a love you once had, but this I now know.

As much as I love you, I must learn to let it go. 

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Corey says:

Some find it difficult to forgive or forgive, but unable or willing to forget. At that point all we can do is, as you say "let it go" and pray someday the situation will change. This was heartfelt, thanks for sharing.

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