poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 342

Carefully watching


While the anger builds

It festers beneath the surface

Like a dormant volcano

It shall awaken

Destruction shall soon follow

The winds of change blow

They blow against resistance

We were taught to forgive

But we never faced the problem

So we never truly grieved

The pain we never faced

Repressed memories

They poison the mind

Their effects shall be revealed

And this place will bleed

Fire and smoke

This world will choke

Because the problem

Was never faced

Carefully watching

Observing while the past

Threatens to engulf us

The anger rises awaiting to erupt 

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Woven says:

We are taught that problems must be faced first, but there are some problems that are difficult to look upon squarely. Thought provoking, well written piece!

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Poetunleashed says:

Thank you for reading the piece....if it gets at least one person thinking my work is done

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