Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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W.I.L.D. (Women Intelligently Living Destiny)



Views: 191

My heart eats with scores,

Calculated by the bullet that pours,

Fire into the veins of the standing staff,

Inverting the breach of the bullets path,

U R cordially invited as you remember the first time,

Expecting to keep the boo that dropped the line,

Returning to the esophagus the blood curls on the tongue,

Blacking the skies as numerous as one,

Wide eyes separate the bone and its fragments,

Slower in the body because of tissue attachments,

A sense of urgency to speak for what is laying,

Death and tribulation for those that were saying,

I know back there is enough money for me,

Sap in the tree trunk of a fatherless tree,

Stinky flowers grow up to full bloom,

Plucked by concepts of a circular move,

Sinning out the love how good it was,

Vibrations of the mad and how they become,

A new generation released in the skies,

Blind to oppression, Blind to lies,

The fact is evident U don’t care,

So like the wind U blow in the air.

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