Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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Special Man


first love

Views: 229
Down and lost, so cold my heart is a stone metal. Faraway from reality, stuck in my painfully depression. So gone within it has no light where I'm is. So low you can see my hurt in my eyes, I looked up he caught my eyes. Came to me and said hi, and lifted his hands and imbrace my sadness. Held my hand and said, swipe youre eyes, I was spent from up above. So let it pour out to be gone, because I'm here to make you a fearless woman, to open up and feel that sunshine of love. What a special man! turning my fears into hope once again. because love is the most beautiful feeling that makes life easier to conquer.

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