mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 244500
contest winner
I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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  double ruby
Total poems   655
Lifetime Views   272752
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Total poems - 30 days   1
Total poems - 90 days   19
Total poems - 365 days   45
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Chngin Face Of War, Them



Views: 479

Was a time each nation

had their military

to fight any confrontation

Now innocent civillians are the ones

on the front line

senseless bombings killings of

man kind

Millions of families seperated homeless

countries do not want to accept them

Was a time it was Us against Them

now a days who is them

is it your neighbor your fellow employee

you dont know could be anyone

never know until damage is done



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