tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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A Vow Of Love:



Views: 460

We stood there, silent....

face to face, eyes searching one anothers,

a smile slowly forming on your face,

I took your hands in mines, I took a deep breath....

and said....

I dedicate my life to you, you've always been 

so faithful, so true. 

I do my best because I love you,

there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.

No I'm not rich...

No I don't make millions of dollars....

No I don't have the fancy house...

All I can give you is my heart....

my mind....

and everything else.

I've love'd you since day one, I will continue to love you,

even after I depart from this earth, my love will be only

dedicated to you.

Take my heart.....guard it like the thorns around a beautiful rose.

make love to my mind....destination wisdom.

Take everything that is me, unwrapped.....

no hidden secrets.

It's all I have to give.....

Suddenly I felt your finger brush softly across my face, wiping away my tears.

You smile...and softly whispher in my ear, "I accept".....



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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Omg, this is such a heartwarming piece! Beautiful write!
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Very beautiful piece of art.... Thanks for sharing

Poetunleashed says:

Greatly written thank you
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thanks guys for taking the time to read my poem. I like to think passion is hidden, and will only be seen by those who deserve to see it. You guys keep those pen's movin...
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Capture tretre....ONE

LP45 says:

Super beautiful Tretre, This was definitely an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing.

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kavindra says:

I love it this is very beautiful very well expressed

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