QueenJ | Poetry Vibe
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Lion's bird

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The fat phenamanal woman!



Views: 434
Why you eat so much? When are you going to loose weight? You need to go in a diet? That was the tree questions they always ask me when their see me. Without forgetting when their say, Girl you need to go to the gym Telling me if I was skinny I will be beautiful Fat was my name to them it was just an Adjective word their called me They identify me by my size, but not my personality. They call me Ugly, because of my size without seeing the big heart I hold Keep on asking myself when are their going to stop? No one notice how hurt it really is Society say to be beautiful, you can't be fat. To all my fat girls out there be fat and be proud . We are the fat phenomenal woman. Cause we have better standards then them We are stronger then them. We are: F-lawless A-mbitious T- ender WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I enjoy uplifting reads. Well done!

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Angelinasd says:

very empowering I love it
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Share....ONE

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LP45 says:

Great write QueenJ! We are all beautiful no matter our size or shape. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and keep writing!

QueenJ says:

Thank you 😍😘

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