Ms. Brown, carrying 9 months of fear, 9 months of pain, 9 months of expections,expectations. He smiles like his father before the armed robbery case. He cries like mother in the middle of the night.
Saving her sanity looking into brown eyed brown skinned miracle,
miraculous, magical, my son, my son. Little boy brown how long will it
be before you learn to get down....
Be Down
Lay Down
Stay Down
Way Down
Taken downtown in handcuffs.
Bastard by incarceration, facing general population only 18..
Little boy brown how long will it be before you.
Break Down
Bow Down
Go Down
Down Low
On his knees giving bulls a blow job for blow.
Name taken, a** taken, manhood taken, faith shaken,
Shaking, in the middle of the night he cries like his mother.....