Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26200
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 249
I sat back and watched the rain pour down my window I thought of my friend and wanted to do something sweet I decided to write a poem then it occurred. I didn't know how to write a poem. I sat back and thought Figuring I'd give it a try I found myself in quite a predicament I didn't know how to go about it I thought of the sun How it flourishes in the sky, like a sunflower blossoming in an lone field I began to start there but ended up scratching through the lines Her smile is much more radiant than that Besides the rain doesn't look like it's letting up anytime soon. I sat and thought some more I thought about the endless possibilities of the stars The gravitational pull that presents itself to her every thought The twinkle of her eyes, the eclipse of lights that lose themselves passing under the street lights. Finding themselves again I thought it was a good idea But sadly I don't know how to write a poem

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