Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25300
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Pirate's At Heart



Views: 277
Then it happened. Alone together. Her hand grasped mine. Aligning mismatched lines that sailed a drift for so long. She kissed me out of the blue, The thoughts and planning for the future collided with the present. I became drunk with everlasting thoughts, Rippling off the ledge of jagged rocks. I was carried out to sea by the tide of her lips. I was fulfilled. Drowning in the current of timeless bliss. This sensation traveled through every ache of my bones. Though sensual, it wasn't in the least bit vigor. Whispers sunk in each others taste buds. knowing the bitter sands of bare feet kissed alone in silence. The patience grown with every thought, deep breaths lost in a calm blue hush Once seen a far from an island filled with doubt. Trying to keep composure, They Lost themselves in her breath. Our whispers. They weren't loud nor obnoxious, having longed for the peace of mind held at bay. That lone desolate island long hidden in the waves of curious sighs. Kept alive, blowing precious life into each others lungs. She was my life preserver in time of need. Our eyes closed, knowing that if we opened them We would see the flares sent from afar in each others eyes. We enjoyed this moment in perfect dark. The plunder of each others heart

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LP45 says:

Great write Kewayne! Very sensual. I like it. Thank you for sharing.

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