Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25300
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 187
Let's pretend we're kids. Let's throw a side our daily woes, The stress from the job and run-away. Jet-setting into the unknown in ultimate bliss. Where our hearts are always filled with glee. The joy given from one another. As loving you is the easiest thing I've done. Let our friends call us crazy as we become further ingrained into one another's memory. Let's take a trip to Damascus. A visual gallery each blink of the eye. A language painted with each look at your grin. Pure bliss. As the bread from each others hand fills our lips. Our mouth, the cusp which overfills with love. The taste of each other's skin. The theaters which other wise we never would have seen. The side doors located in the middle east. The security guards will stare and watch as we ask for directions. Neck's tilted to the side as we figure out which road to take. The architectural textures that block the sun from view. Curious if your body still highlights in the sun the same way as it does back home. The patter of bare feet gracing stone. The clouds socialize with the sky. Smelling the taste of the pita bread, baked fresh. Through the flower vines that hang overhead through the alley ways. Years and years of stories waiting to be told. A testimony of the biblical voyage painted with mud. As we become the passer-by's stumbling upon a new voyage. Let's pretend that we're kids. Hiding behind the mosaics and stone walls. Let's pretend we're kids, Let's run away

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