Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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The Book



Views: 408

There was a time when everyone adored me.
A time when every race and creed had been seeking for me.
They realized what I was worth and that I was more than gold could ever be.
My ability was to free many people from their self-inflicted slavery.
Able to make them see that they created their own mental misery.

And my history is equal to that of all humanity.
Depending on the subject I choose to speak with light profanity.
Unlikely vanity with potential sanity.

I discuss what’s a must to be discussed.
Making sure that those who know me.
I provide spiritual lubrication so their spirits won’t rust.
Deceit and lust is what humans hate, and yet “in those qualities”, they choose to trust.

I still remember the days when people held onto me in several ways.
Like when I was held with and touched with such passion.
But these days, I hardly even get a fraction of compassion or any stimulating action.

Those day’s of which I speak, I had been blessed.
I was able to take people from thinking of their pain and distress.
And unlike the rest, I was constantly caressed
Which stimulated my obsession of being caressed.

Although now, I appear to only remain
On the wave length and plane
To keep the mundane feeling at least slightly controlled and sane.

The rest would rather ignore me, as if I don’t even exist.
So in silence, I continuously persist even onto those who choose to resist.
There are a few, that by word of mouth, my beauty is hailed
There minds feel as if I took them to sail.

I will continue to lay in silence
Until I am once again noticed for my hidden beauty.

One day, someone will slow down & stop themselves
From their everyday hustle.
Of just petty survival thinking and media created distractions.

And will take action to make change.
Glance at me, and possibly even look me over with eyes that are strange.

And at that moment, I will take advantage of my voyeur.
Pull him with my story of wisdom, love, passion and adventure.
And hopefully, I will once again be important to the world.
A world that just survives; chooses to thrive and relies on the lies told to their eyes.

For I am a book. An object that can empower, uplift and psychologically shift
And encourage those who read me. Believe me. No one can deceive me but I can deceive them, if I chose.
But how my written word goes, is that I know more than what others claim to know and it shows.

Knowledge and wisdom will once again set sail & prevail.
In a world that consistently only whines and wails.
I will once again be loved and passionately caressed by the minds
Of those who thirst for what I can offer.

They will hungrily devour me with their passion and true desire to grow.
And I will do what I can and what I do best, which will be offer tranquility & rest to those who stress, distress and desire to progress.
They can lay their hands on my chest, my breast, and I will give them spiritual rest.

This is a book of Illumination for the elevation of the stagnated nation
Leading itself into it’s own obvious eventual proliferation.


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