Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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"Poisoned Destiny"


just different

Views: 430

The poison of the past
is still trying
to take control
 of the future .

Worlds have collided
And died because of the poison ,
 that continues throughout
the consciousness'
of the universe.

The past is thought to be remembered
but should be forgotten
stop the continuing poison
that is pushing the universe
into a awaiting collision of destruction.

Remember the past
but let go of the  Poison
change the future!

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Kewayne Wadley says:

Great write! Straight to the point. I needed to read this. I tend to linger on past thoughts longer than I'm suppose to. It truly is poison lol. Thanks for sharing

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