Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25300
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Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Let's Go Somewhere Far



Views: 238
Let's go somewhere far, Staring into each other's eyes. Instead of chasing images seen in magazines. Let's put our love on display for all to watch. Reliving memories seen by old hands that grip each other's tighter. Remembering when they did the same, reliving memories by the touch of our hands. Let's go somewhere distant, Standing beside each other. Bridges crossed by star crossed lovers. Playing hop scotch across the stars. Different plateaus covered in darkness lit by the shine of stars. Far form Hollywood. Different bar's where these images are seen. Inebriated. Away from the clear oceans that seep deeper in depth. A Distorted view from how hard our eyes close in laughter. Let's go somewhere far. Staring into each others eyes. Without regard for time. Instead of chasing images seen in magazines. Different pages that depict love in Italian dresses. Scents of pizzerias. Slow turns of hearts discovering each other in a dance. A sleight of hand. As Magic happens. A different pleasure seen in different validation. One seen by lips that thirst for each other. Without regard for time. The seconds based on habit. When to eat, What to think. What to do as we left it all behind. Far away from what we know staring at the different images seen in magazines

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