tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Nothing Personal:



Views: 367

You know I don't understand why,

people get offended when I want to be alone,

why is that so wrong?

I'm a loner....

I'm Anti social....

Some even say I hate people.....

Why is it so wrong that me being alone

is when I feel most peaceful.

I'm not the turn up type, never was,

I'd rather be at home, coming up with more poems to write.

I'm not a solo rider,

just very few in my crew.

My love is not for just anyone,

not shared with everyone.

It's nothing persronal,

it's not like our relationship can't be workable, It's just 

When I want to hang out with you I will simply let you know.

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Anj.mahira says:

love it.

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2b2b2 says:

Real talk.....Write On....nice heaping of truth....thank you....ONE

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