KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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A Love from within



Views: 717

Kissing your heart, lusting over your kidneys, I truly long for you, you lung for me.

 Deep breaths I'm losing it.

 Your blood stream, I'm cruising it, your blood cells, I'm moving it.

 Combining them with mines, white cells, red cells, my cells, brain cells, love sells every single time.

  It's free 99!

 Don't even offer up a dime.

  Circulatory system love, now that is of divine. That system was created before I even started loving you. 

 That's was way back when we were DNA molecules trapped in liquid white hues.

 That ooozed from the pleasures of momma and daddy's episodes of trying to climax to the moon.

 So that's how it all began, I love you so much that I wanna do it all over again.

  I'm now your lover and your child, playing around in your womb, you know my style, I'm naturally wild, just a boy being a boy, Sweetmomma this fetus just needs some play time.

  And some attention.

 Did I mention, that I seen your Liver today?

  Be conscious about what you eat and what you drink for dinner.

  Don't let immoral men offer you divinely prohibited poisons with the ideas of caressing your flesh because whatever you consume will mold my spirit.

 You're pregnant with lover like no other, Sweetmomma don't make the abominable mistake with trying to abort me because if you do you'll never be at peace as long as my love is forever deceased.

  So please keep me on your tummy cord, I like it here. I love you from within.

 Do you hear?

 My first word was love.

  L-imitless O-bsessions V-ia E-ternity.

  Qadar Dwon'

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....thanks for sharing (you know I diggs the out he box flavor here!!!)

LP45 says:

Awesome work Qadar, Love the imagery and flow. That's where it all begins, in the womb. Thank you for sharing this.
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Thank both of you great poets. Kind words and positive feedback inspire and motivate me to keep on keeping on..

DallasCowgirl says:

Too dope.... Just floored. This is talent. I love it.

Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you Cherub for your constant inspiration and motivation.. The impact that your words have on me greatly multiplies my gifts..

jwins says:

Amazing! full of Grace! I love this!

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