Br8k3Sk8t3r | Poetry Vibe
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ITouch Talk#9



Views: 273

And as I read lost tomes of my work and shed tears on my dirk I stand against a world that devoured my joy and so I let the blood flow freely to a wave in the ocean it matches its speed and drifts along the bottom of the sea of lost memories that reflect young trouble brewing in our hearts today and I trip when I see the lies they sell on my tv and I drown from all my grief but funerals are not my thing even though I cant cry over dead people I still cant stand the expressions and stench so every night I cry myself to sleep wondering when is it gonna be me why dont I just end it soon and be free give up on all my emotions and let it out of me without repercussions of the heart that will slow me down and I look at her but the words wont  come out cause its like Im lying to myself but I hate these thoughts that run through my mind like a train on a bind and so the world really sees who I am as the eccentric Cousar that spits out words faster than your plan of thoughts that fly south for the winter cause you get cold feet when trying to record music sheets and I say what I feel cause thats the only way to beat this comp on this field of thoughts thats free of any chains that hold all normals back while my mind bursts with untold tales of a life that was shattered at a young age and as this metal music pounds in my skull I feel like screaming along to a beat that I dont own but will still use to make my point and tears fall from my eyes as I realize what a complete *** up Ive become as I inhale my joint

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