Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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  double ruby
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Views: 421
You shot into my life as a bullet. Shot astray from past convictions. A chamber sprung free from mechanical springs and locks. Flaring straight into the air. Freeing yourself of your former self. An encased shell falling to the ground. I was startled by the ferocious motion. An unfamiliar notion that stung like a million bees. Focusing all your attention one direction. The might felt as you ricocheted into my life. I fell victim. Struck by the sound of your voice. The gleam of my eyes reflecting off of yours. That burning smell left behind, igniting the gun power sprung forth. I didn't know what to expect. never have being shot. I depicted myself laying on the ground, In agonizing pain. No one to care, walking past. Laying there soaked in self regret. The things I've yet to do. Fall in love, Devoured by the quivering numbness of your touch. Erupting, Aching in intimate privacy. No, this was nothing how I expected.

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