Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
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Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Ship In A Bottle



Views: 187
With eyes wide, The wind sweeps beneath the bellows, The carvess' of the ship were felt, One like never before, Beads of water dripped down the side, Only to become lost again, Beads of pearls that shown through the dark night, With eyes wide, The kilometers turned to miles, A voyage to find heaven became ever so urgent, The harsh winds held no mercy as the waters hammered the sides of the ship, Without Knowing sense of direction, Splashing its fury against the wet boards of the ship, Invoking the wrath of the gods as eyes can be seen in the clouds, With eyes wide, The sails whipped back and forth, Not knowing which way to go, The crew scurried to and fro, Some went over board in the sea of madness, The captains insanity grew the deeper they got into the storm, They begged him to turn back, afraid of what was to follow, up ahead in the sea of madness, As a result, a member of the crew was shot in the head, A single serving of the strain of emotion shown on both sides, An emotion shown in a search for heaven, One that never reflected, that his search may be in vain, A cord from one of the sails snapped, Due to the strain of wind that breached the smallest sail, With eyes wide, Passion grew in the fiercest moment, Slow measures of the hands that no longer turned the bottle which held the ship, A small boy from Maine, Night turned to day in the bottle as the light switch flickered on, Nothing is ever forsure, Like almost trying to remember a smell, Like the rain that tasted the orr's of the smaller boats trying to escape, Most didnt see the light after the sun, When the light came back on, The waters surrounding the ship wasnt as bad as they seemed, Nah, Love is never as bad as it seems

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