tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Different Kind Of Love:



Views: 396

I was afraid to look at him.....

His love for me was different,

He turned me around...

"Tell me"...

I watched his eyes search mines.... I spoke.....

"You touch my heart in ways I can not comprehend, 

You speak to me in a way im not use to....Causing me to be afraid of you....

Wonder about you...

I'm use to the beatings....

the name calling.....

The abuse...

I'm  confused..... Isn't that normal?

His face slowly formed frawns.....His look angry.

"What makes you different.. Is this a trick?

I can't comprehend this pure love you have for me, what are these strange feelings? I'm getting...

It's not normal....

No shouting, your tone so calm.

Is it a trap?

will it be a wrap.

What do you want from me?

Will you treat me like the rest,

fake love you profess. 

I slowly looked up....

his face angery, outragged....

"Have I ever hurt you...?  mistreated you...?

did anything to you to make you not trust me?

I spoke no words...

"Why is it so hard to accept someone loving you for you?

Do you not deserve happyness? 

"Look at me"....He demanded.

I'm not your past,

I'm not your ex's

I'm not those who treated you wrong...

I'm here love you, help you be strong.

make sure no one treats you wrong.

I'm not here to stand in front you, but beside you,

to be part of you....

If you can't accept that my love comes with out the abuse,

what am I going to do? Dammit I love you.."

With those words he walked away...



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work....ONE

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