briegirl89 | Poetry Vibe
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I wanna know what its like to feel pretty the same way a flower knows its beautiful,

I want to feel at peace with God's natural desgin,

I was mapped out to fit me perfectly,

My 6'2,

My big feet,

My waist, my hips, my thighs,

They are all me,

But its not all I'm made of,

I've got heart that beats fast when I hear my favorite song or I feel too cool and I'm tryin to hide it , and it slows down for

sunsets, and when I give pretty kisses tied to his lips like ribbons, 

My hands write a mile a minute in sloppy languages and brilliant thoughts,

Thoughts that go outside the box and swim through the night with words that move quick witted off the tip of my tounge,

I am a woman searching for the truth outside magazines that tell me what I should be,

I define me,

So thanks for the advice colums on body types and climaxes, and horoscopes

But no please




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